ܽƵapp Celebrates National TRIO Day

Students from ܽƵapp Community College, the University of Nebraska–Lincoln, Doane University and Peru State College celebrated the 39th anniversary of National TRIO Day at the ܽƵapp Lincoln Campus on Saturday, Feb. 22. Held on the fourth Saturday in February since 1986, this day is designed to celebrate the successes of TRIO programs and raise awareness about the importance of educational opportunities for low-income, first-generation students.
“Being prepared for college and graduating can be particularly challenging for students from limited income backgrounds or those who are first-generation students,” said Sarah Aguirre, director of TRIO Student Support Services Program. “Not only do TRIO programs help students learn the skills necessary to be prepared for and get through college, they also help students be a part of smaller communities in their schools.”
The Federal TRIO Programs are outreach and student services programs designed to identify and provide services for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds. TRIO includes eight programs which serve over 875,000 students at more than 3,500 TRIO programs in all 50 states and U.S. territories. ܽƵapp is funded to serve 165 students on its Beatrice, Lincoln and Milford campuses through Student Support Services. Their mission is to empower scholars through proactive advising to achieve maximum academic success and career readiness. In addition, ܽƵapp’s Upward Bound program works with 56 high school students to help prepare them for college.
“We provide academic, personal and career support to help them navigate their college journey so they can graduate or transfer,” Aguirre said. “We also provide financial literacy and help them with FAFSA and scholarship applications. For students who want to explore transfer options, we visit 4-year colleges.”
Catrina Rulla, a junior at Beatrice High School, has been involved with Upward Bound since her freshman year. She sees the benefits of this program as she prepares for college.
“I have another whole support system,” Rulla said. “If I need help with something or I don’t know what to do with my schooling, I have someone that can help me right then and there. They also challenge me to be a better person.”
As part of National TRIO Day, participants worked on a service project to give back to their community. They ended the day by making cat and dog toys as well as dog treats for the ܽƵapp Humane Society.
Jennifer Snyder
Communications Specialist